Monday, April 1, 2013

What Your Internship REALLY Teaches You

As I enter in to my last week of my 3rd year internship I am taking time to process what I have learned not about the software but of the industry.

Turns out I was wrong.

I went through school with the presumption that if I did really well in school and got myself a good internship that it would be easy to find a job after school. In this sense I was wrong. There is so much more to it.

I am learning very quickly that this is a very small industry. The people you go to school with will be your coworkers. Networking with your peers on all levels will help you get a job after graduating.

The harsh reality is: you are not guaranteed a job after graduating. You are not guaranteed a job within six months, even. The only way you can keep yourself in the game is to constantly be aware of what is happening and where.

Some suggestions:

Look on job boards regularly, find new job boards, apply even if there is no posting, attend networking events, keep in touch with your peers, and try to make yourself known on the web. Be active with twitter and keep your linked in updated. These things will help keep you connected.

Don't ever think that anything in life is guaranteed. I have been on top of the class for all three years and worked my butt off. Luckily for me I am also good at networking. When you get into the industry you are going to need to be.

For those who make excuses about being busy or already having a job or being busy with internships...too busy to attend the networking events... I implore you. Attend anyways. The connections that you make may just get you a job one day.

There are some that I now know in the industry who may not be the best animators or lighters or modellers but they are really good at meeting people and making themselves known. This is a crucial skill in life.

So try your best at networking and always remain professional with your peers. You never know what the future may bring.

As Nevada director Jason Groh says "Talent will get you in the door, networking will get you the job"

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